Ron Sweed was "The Ghoul". Between 1971 and 2003, Ron would host horror movies as the Ghoul on a variety of television stations: "The Ghoul" on WKBF-TV Channel 61 1971-1975
"The Ghoul" on KBHK-TV Channel 44 early 1970's-1973
"The Ghoul" on WKBS-TV Channel 48 mid 1970's
"The Ghoul's Creature Feature" on WKBD-TV Channel 50 1975-1976
"The Ghoul" on WXON-TV Channel 20 1976-1978
"The Ghoul" on WCLQ-TV Channel 61 1982-1985
"The Ghoul" on WBNX-TV Channel 55 1998-2003

Also "MasTerrorpiece Theatre" - a hosted horror movie special with Tom Ryan as "Count Scary" and Ron Sweed as "The Ghoul" presenting a Halloween special WKBD-TV, Channel 50 Detroit, Michigan on 31 October 1996.

For further information on Tom Ryan as "Count Scary", click on the links below:d

Born on 23 January 1940, sadly Sweed passed away on 1 April 2019 in Cleveland.

Portrait of "The Ghoul" by Dave Dunlap.

Portrait of "The Ghoul" by Bradley Beard.
"The Ghoul" - biography (taken from Bradley Beard's Facebook page)"
In 1963, a young man named Ron Sweed wore a gorilla suit to a live Ghoulardi appearance; Ghoulardi took notice and the rest is history. Tonight I present The Ghoul, host of the Ghoul show which first aired on WKBF-TV in Cleveland, Ohio in 1971. After a few years, the show's incredible popularity garnered it another audience in Detroit, Michigan on WKBD-TV. The Ghoul is known for his zany antics such as his blowing up objects with firecrackers and abusing his rubber frog named "Froggy". He coined many catch phrases such as "Overdey!", "Scratch glass and climb walls", and "Holy Parma", among others.

Let me offer you a few words of warning in case you ever meet The Ghoul, be sure that your Cheese Whiz is secured in a safe place and don't be offended if he happens to belch at just the right time while watching a movie with him. So "Stay sick, turn blue" and tune in tomorrow.

In 2014, Ron Sweed - "The Ghoul" for "The Ghoul Show",
was inducted into "The Official Horror Host Hall of Fame".

Dale Kowalski played "Spike Who Ride A Bike" on "The Ghoul" (WCLQ-TV) around 1982-1983.
For more information on Dale Kowalski and Dale Kay's Spookshow use the below link:

The following are some clips from "The Ghoul":

The Ghoul (Clips) from The Professor on Vimeo.


Internet Movie Data Base
"Ron Sweed"

"Ron Sweed"

Internet Movie Data Base
"The Ghoul"

Facebook: Bradley Beard - Horror Host Artist
"The Ghoul"

E-gors Chamber of TV Horror Hosts
"The Ghoul"

Internet Movie Data Base
"MasTerrorpiece Theatre"

Facebook: Dunlap Art
"Horror Host Artwork"

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Last modified: October 2023